Last night as a 2 year old.
On his birthday morning he was so excited, and lost no time in getting stuck into unwrapping those presents. A handy tip for easy unwrapping for little children - use tissue paper rather than wrapping paper!
Fraser had asked for a Peppa Pig house for his present. Thanks to Ebay I was able to get him the house and a big bundle of other Peppa Toys for the same price that the house would have cost in the shops.
New birthday dungarees.
Next birthday job was helping make the cake. He had asked for a Thomas cake, and Calum (14) had offered to help make it. Fraser had to help too, and here they are colouring the icing.
The finished cake was far from perfect, but Fraser was delighted with it.
When we asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday, Fraser said all he wanted to do was to go to the park. He has always been content with the simplest things, and is such an easy to please boy.
He always pretends that this little part of the park is his ice cream shop, so here he is selling some to Calum.
Loving life on the swings.
As were the bigger boys!
Having bigger brothers means that you can also try out all the bigger things at the park too.
Here is the birthday boy discovering all the colourful shapes on his 'ice cream shop', and chatting about them in his half Gaelic/half English. Like his brothers at this age, he is now completely bilingual, and will switch between the two languages quite easily. The boys and I always speak to him in Gaelic, even if he answers back in English.
I remember when our oldest was small, being asked by more than one concerned person was I not worried that my child(ren) would be behind with their English language skills if they spent all day at home with me speaking only Gaelic to them! Despite the fact that they knew that dad was an English only speaker!
Yes, really.
Anyway, back to the birthday boy, proving that you can learn two languages very simply by the age of 3...
After the park we collected some pretty leaves on the way back to the house.
And settled down to watch an old classic together. Can you tell which one it was? Fraser had never seen it before but had wanted to watch it for a while as he loves playing with a toy car from the movie that we have.
When I asked him what he wanted for his birthday dinner, he said 'do-getty'. Which is spaghetti.
After the do-getty it was time for the cake. He absolutely loved the whole cake thing. He was so delighted to be able to have the candle blowing all to himself, and he just loved having the song sung to him. So much so that he joined in himself too. I've left that clip for the end of the post though, as it's sure to leave you with a smile.
When the lights were back on he checked where all the trains were on the cake.
And then I tried to get a good photo of all the boys together, which is never easy!
Happy Birthday Fraser, may you always be able to find as much joy in the simplest things as you do now, and may everybody always take as much joy from you as they do now.